Unit 17
Metal and non metals
1. Choose the correct option for the following questions:
a. Which is the main ore of iron?
iii) Hematite
b. Which metal is found in pure state in nature?
iv) Gold
c. Which is the primary step of purifying metal?
iii) Concentration
d. Which of the following ore is oxidised by roasting method?
i) hematite
ii) SIDERITE (Except siderite all are oxide ores here, and roasting is done for non oxide ore)
iii) bauxite
iv) Cuprite
e. In which process is smelting included?
iv) Reduction
2. Give reason:
a. All ores are minerals, but all minerals are not ores.
The mineral from which a metal can be extracted in a large amount with low cost is called the ore of that metal. The mineral from which a metal cannot be taken out easily are not the ores. Thus all ores are minerals but all minerals are not ores. For example, hematite is an ore of iron, while quartz is a mineral but not an ore.
b. Ores are oxidized after concentration.
Ores are oxidized after concentration because it is easier to obtain metals from their oxides.
3. Write the differences between:
a. Mineral and Ore
Minerals | Ores |
1. A mineral is a naturally occurring substance found in the earth's crust. | 1. An ore is a type of rock that contains sufficient minerals to extract a metal profitably. |
2. Minerals may or may not contain valuable metals. | 2. Ores contain a high concentration of metal, making them valuable for extraction. |
3. Minerals are the source of raw materials, and they are used for various industrial processes. | 3. Ores are specifically mined to extract valuable metals or minerals. |
4. Examples: Quartz, Mica, Feldspar, etc. | 4. Examples: Bauxite (for aluminum), Hematite (for iron), Galena (for lead), etc. |
5. All ores are minerals, but not all minerals are ores. | 5. Ores are a subset of minerals that are economically viable to extract. |
b. Roasting and Calcination
Roasting | Calcination |
1. Roasting is a process in which ore is heated in the presence of air (oxygen) at high temperatures. | 1. Calcination is a process in which ore is heated in the absence of air (or limited air) at high temperatures. |
2. It is used to extract metal oxides from sulfide ores by converting them into oxides. | 2. It is used to remove volatile substances (such as water) or carbon dioxide from carbonates or other ores. |
3. Roasting involves the chemical reaction between the ore and oxygen. | 3. Calcination mainly involves thermal decomposition of ores. |
4. The process of roasting can produce gases like sulfur dioxide (SO₂), which requires proper ventilation. | 4. Calcination does not usually produce gases like sulfur dioxide but may release carbon dioxide (CO₂) when dealing with carbonates. |
5. Example: Roasting of copper pyrite (CuFeS₂) to get copper oxide (CuO). | 5. Example: Calcination of limestone (CaCO₃) to produce quicklime (CaO) and carbon dioxide (CO₂). |
c. Oxidation and Reduction
Oxidation | Reduction |
1. Oxidation is the process in which an element loses electrons. | 1. Reduction is the process in which an element gains electrons. |
2. Oxidation involves an increase in the oxidation state of an element. | 2. Reduction involves a decrease in the oxidation state of an element. |
3. It often involves the addition of oxygen to a substance. | 3. It often involves the removal of oxygen from a substance. |
4. Oxidation results in the formation of oxides or other compounds where oxygen is added. | 4. Reduction results in the formation of the pure element or a compound with fewer oxygen atoms. |
5. Example: Oxidation of iron to form rust (Fe + O₂ → Fe₂O₃). | 5. Example: Reduction of copper(II) oxide to copper (CuO + H₂ → Cu + H₂O). |
4. Answer the following questions:
a. What are the sources of metals?
→ Minerals are sources of metals.
b. Make a list of ores of iron, copper, aluminium, and silver.
→ Iron: Hematite (Fe₂O₃), Magnetite (Fe₃O₄), Siderite (FeCO3), Limonite (2Fe2O3.3H2O), Iron Pyrite ( FeS2)
Copper: Chalcopyrite (CuFeS₂), Cuprite (Cu₂O), Chalcocite (Cu2S), Malachite [Cu2(OH)2CO3]
Aluminium: Bauxite (2Al₂O₃·2H₂O), Cryolite (Na3AlF6), Corundum (Al2O3)
Silver: Argentite (Ag₂S), Horn silver (AgCl), Ruby silver (Ag2Sb2S3), Silver copper glance [Ag(Cu)2S]
c. How is metallurgy a stepwise process? Explain.
→ Metallurgy involves the following steps:
Grinding: Crushing ores into small particles form with help of rollers.
Concentration: Removal of impurities (gangue) from ore.
Oxidation: Roasting or calcination to convert ores into oxides.
Reduction: Extraction of metals from their oxides using reducing agents like carbon or electrolysis.
Refining: Purification of extracted metals by methods such as electro-refining or distillation.
Hence, we can say metallurgy is stepwise process.
d. How are pure metals obtained from electro-refining? Explain it with an activity.
→ Following activity can be done to explain electro-refining process to obtain pure metals:
Materials Required: Copper sulfate solution, pure copper plate, impure copper, battery, voltameter and connecting wires.
- Take copper sulfate solution in voltameter
- Connect impure copper to the positive terminal of battery and pure copper to negative terminal of battery.
- Immerse both strips in the copper sulfate solution.
Observation: Impure copper plate in anode erodes and Pure copper getting deposited on the cathode.
Conclusion: In this way, we can get pure copper (Metals) from its impure form.
- Metals are generally hard lustrous and good conductor of heat and electricity.
- The elements and compounds which are naturally found on earth’s surface are called minerals.
- The mineral from which a metal can be extracted in a large amount with low cost is called ore of that metal.
- The unwanted earthy impurities present in the ores are called gangue or matrix.
- The elements or chemicals used to remove gangue or matrix in ores are called flux.
- The fusible mass obtained from chemical reaction between slag and flux is called slag.
- Metallurgy is the science which deals about the properties, production and purification of metals. Metallurgy can be classified into Pyro metallurgy, electrometallurgy and hydrometallurgy.
- The process of extracting useful substances and minerals from the earths geological surface is called mining.
- Calcination is the process of in which ores are heated in absence of air or limited supply of air.
- Roasting is the process in which ores are heated with excess supply of air.
- Reduction is the process of removing oxygen from metal oxide by treating them with reducing agents like carbon, CO, hydrogen etc.
- Smelting is the process of heating metals beyond their melting points along with a reducing agent.
- The process of removing impurities present in metals obtained from reduction process by boiling is called distillation.
- Electro-refining is the process of removing impurities present in metals obtained from reduction process by electrolysis.
Questions Asked in SEE
1. Which metal can be obtained from Argentite ore? [SEE 2080 Koshi]
i. Copper
ii. Gold
iii. Iron
2. What type of ore is concentrated by froth floatation process? [SEE 2080 Koshi]
→ Sulphide ore is concentrated by froth floatation process.
3. Write a main ore of copper. [SEE 2079 Koshi]
→ The main ore of copper is chalcopyrite.
4. A person is preparing a light and rust free toy. Among the metals iron, copper and aluminum available in market, which metal should he chose and why? [SEE 2079 Koshi]
→ He should chose aluminum because aluminum naturally forms a layer of aluminum oxide thus preventing from rusting. It is also lightweight, highly recyclable and cheap.
5. Define ore and mineral. [SEE 2080 Madhesh]
→ The mineral from which a metal can be extracted in a large amount with low cost is called ore of that metal.
→ The elements and compounds which are naturally found on earth’s surface are called minerals.
6. Suppose silver is being purified by electro refining method. Draw the figure of correct connection of materials with all requirements. [SEE 2080 Bagmati, Lumbini]
7. If we have to do following task during extraction of metal from its ore, which procedure can be used? [SEE 2080 Karnali]
i) To change ore into metallic oxide
→ Oxidation
ii) To separate hydrophilic and hydrophobic substances from ore
→ Froth floatation process
8. A gold ring was lost in field. When the ring was found after two months, it was found no change in its weight, why? [SEE 2080 Sudurpaschim]
→ There was no change in weight of gold ring even after two months because gold is less reactive element making it highly resistant to environmental degradation.
9. Show the labelled diagram for the purification of gold by electro refining process. [SEE 2080 Grade Increment Exam]
→ Draw the same diagram as in answer of Q. No. 6, but replace the word pure/impure silver plate by pure/impure gold plate and Silver nitrate solution by Auric Cyanide solution. [Verify this answer to your teacher]
10. Write difference between metal and non-metal on the basis of their density. [SLC 2068 E]
→ Metals have more density and non-metals have less density.
11. What are two main properties of metals that make it suitable for making pots and pans? [SLC 2058]
→ Metals are malleable and ductile.
→ Metals have metallic lusture.
12. You are given two objects, one of which gives sharp sound but doesn’t break into pieces when hammered, another object produces rough sound and break into pieces. Which one is metal? [SLC 2057]
→ The object which produces sharp sound and does not break when hammered is metal.